Longest Night of the Year Dec 21, 2023 @ 5pm PST
Join us online as we celebrate the Longest Night of 2023. On this night we experience the most darkness before the sun starts to gain strength once again, slowing moving through winter towards spring. We will come together as a community, hold one another and share our despair, grief and suffering with God. You are welcome to bring a prayer, poem, song, scripture or lament as we share silence, light our candles and then listen to one another in Presence. Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 835 9266 0008
Passcode: 071465
Imago Dei Healing Community Retreat
Next retreat: Fall 2024
Join us for a 4-day retreat designed to bring us together as we journey towards wholeness and living from our Imago Dei. This retreat is for members of our Imago Dei Healing Community. Anyone who has completed our Integration Healing Level One course is welcome to join our community and participate in this retreat.
Date, cost and location to be determined -- stay tuned!